
Smarties Refraction

May 6, 2012

These are some refraction photos that I took a few weeks ago, with the kids. A lot of fun was had by all, especially them, after the photo shoot when they ate the subjects…

Have a great week 🙂


  1. These are very cool Nigel!

  2. Wonderful ! especially the second one. 🙂

  3. Very good. And now I’m trying to work out how you got them! Were the water drops on top of a sheet of glass?

  4. I was also wondering, water on glass or a spray?

  5. Hi.. Thanks for the question. Glass bowl filled with smarties. One part of a CD case on top. Tiny droplets of water made with a pipette. Light well and then use a macro lens to get really close. 🙂

  6. These are awesome! On the second image, I love how the droplets appear to be floating above the candies.

  7. Very, very cool, Nigel!
    Definitely looks good enough to eat!

  8. Incredible images!

  9. What a wicked idea! And it looks just as good! Nice work! Love it 🙂

  10. Very nice Nigel

  11. OMG! This is magical! 😀 You’ve brought us to a Fantasy World!!!!

  12. Vibrant and creative images. Well done!

  13. Very cool! I love the vibrancy of the colors.

  14. Great idea. and cool shots.

  15. awesome.:)

  16. These are great – LOVE the second one.

  17. Wow, I’m impressed. Very creative! Beautiful, vivid colors, too. 🙂

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